Her Future

OUr Mission

Advancing Women's Futures

Our mission is to amplify the voices of women, particularly those living in conflict areas and refugees, by advocating for their education rights, enhancing their professional opportunities, and sharing their powerful stories of resilience and strength in the face of conflict.

We envision a world where every woman, regardless of her circumstances, has access to education, the opportunity to thrive professionally, and the platform to share her unique experiences, fostering a global community of understanding and support.


  1. Expand Educational Outreach: Increase the number of girls and women we reach by launching new programs focused on literacy, vocational training, and rights education in underserved communities.

  2. Establish Mentorship Networks: Develop a global mentorship program that connects professional women with girls aspiring to pursue higher education and career development.

  3. Publish Health & Rights Curriculum: Finalize and distribute a comprehensive curriculum on women’s rights, hygiene, and reproductive health, empowering women to make informed decisions about their futures.

  4. Secure Educational Placements: Assist at least 10 students in securing placements in top boarding schools and universities, providing them with scholarships and mentorship throughout the application process.

“There’s no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free, and educated woman.”

– Anjelina Jolie